Send Us Your Camo

Send in your photos or video of you in your camo.

Be included in the Camo Comparisons

After you submit your images or video, the image or video may be used in a camo showdown, featured image or camo comparison video on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or other Social Media Platforms.


Be sure to include in the transmission the name you wish to have displayed and any social media accounts you wish to reference.


How to send us your files.

Follow the link below to the WeTransfer Website, you DO NOT need an account with them to send files under 2 Gigabytes.

If you are transmitting a video, try to keep the video at about a 10-20 second limit.

Photos of you wearing camo is ideal if it is taken from another person and not a selfie, however, we will still publish selfies if that is all you have.

Include the Brand and Pattern of the Camo you are displaying so we can properly share it with the community.


You may need to accept their privacy policy and click a link on their page that says you just want to send files.

You may also email your camo images to the email below, or send larger videos through WeTransfer to the email listed below.  Large videos send directly through email may not transfer.

“Your content has been critical input in my decisions on camo options. I tell friends and family about your channel anytime we get onto the topic of camo patterns..”

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